吴燕 Wu Yan

发布时间: 2020-09-18

职称、职务-Title   or Position副教授
联系方式-Contact Information电话:13600889070;邮箱:19821990@fjut.edu.cn
主要研究方向-Research Interests生物医学光子学
主要研究项目-Research Projects1、校级科研启动项目,基于多光子显微成像技术的乳腺肿瘤早期无损诊断研究(GY-Z17009。
1、Identifying Two Common Types   of Breast Benign Diseases Based on Multiphoton   Microscopy,Scanning,2018.(第一作者,SCI收录)

2、Detection of Axillary Lymph   Node Metastasis in Breast Cancer using Mulitiphoton Microscopy,14th   International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and   Medicine,2017.(第一作者,EI收录)

3、Identifying three different   architectural subtypes of mammary ductal carcinoma in situ using multiphoton   microscopy,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2015.(第一作者,SCI收录)

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